Objek | Properti | Nilai |
form | name caption |
frmlogin LOG IN |
label 1 | caption | username |
label 2 | caption | password |
text 1 | name | text1 |
text 2 | name | text2 |
command 1 | caption | proses |
command 2 | caption | exit |
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = “admin” And Text2.Text = “12345″ Then
Unload Me
MsgBox “username and password is not valid”, vbCritical, “not valid”
Text1.Text = “”
Text2.Text = “”
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
MsgBox “terima kasih telah menggunakan aplikasi ini”, vbOKOnly, “exit”
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Image1.Visible = True
Text1.Enabled = True
Text2.Enabled = True
Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Enabled = False
Text2.Enabled = False
Command1.Enabled = False
End Sub
kedua membuat form biodata:
Objek | Properti | Nilai |
form | name caption |
frmbiodataku biodataku |
label 1 | caption | nama |
label 2 | caption | jenis kelamin |
label 3 | caption | tanggal lahir |
label 4 | caption | alamat |
label 5 | caption | status |
text 1 | name | text1 |
combo 1 | name | combo1 |
combo 2 | name | combo2 |
combo 3 | name | combo3 |
text 2 | name | text2 |
combo 4 | name | combo4 |
command 1 | caption | proses |
command 2 | caption | exit |
Private Sub Command1_Click()
biodataku.Text1.Text = Text1.Text
biodataku.Text2.Text = Combo1.Text
biodataku.Text3.Text = Combo2.Text & ” ” &; Combo3.Text & ” ” & Combo4.Text
biodataku.Text4.Text = Text2.Text
biodataku.Text5.Text = Combo5.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem “laki-laki”
Combo1.AddItem “perempuan”
Combo2.AddItem “1″
Combo2.AddItem “2″
Combo2.AddItem “3″
Combo2.AddItem “4″
Combo2.AddItem “5″
Combo2.AddItem “6″
Combo2.AddItem “7″
Combo2.AddItem “8″
Combo2.AddItem “9″
Combo2.AddItem “10″
Combo2.AddItem “11″
Combo2.AddItem “12″
Combo2.AddItem “13″
Combo2.AddItem “14″
Combo2.AddItem “15″
Combo2.AddItem “16″
Combo2.AddItem “17″
Combo2.AddItem “18″
Combo2.AddItem “19″
Combo2.AddItem “20″
Combo2.AddItem “21″
Combo2.AddItem “22″
Combo2.AddItem “23″
Combo2.AddItem “24″
Combo2.AddItem “25″
Combo2.AddItem “26″
Combo2.AddItem “27″
Combo2.AddItem “28″
Combo2.AddItem “29″
Combo2.AddItem “30″
Combo2.AddItem “31″
Combo3.AddItem “januari”
Combo3.AddItem “februari”
Combo3.AddItem “maret”
Combo3.AddItem “april”
Combo3.AddItem “mei”
Combo3.AddItem “juni”
Combo3.AddItem “juli”
Combo3.AddItem “agustus”
Combo3.AddItem “september”
Combo3.AddItem “oktober”
Combo3.AddItem “november”
Combo3.AddItem “desember”
Combo4.AddItem “2011″
Combo4.AddItem “2010″
Combo4.AddItem “2009″
Combo4.AddItem “2008″
Combo4.AddItem “2007″
Combo4.AddItem “2006″
Combo4.AddItem “2005″
Combo4.AddItem “2004″
Combo4.AddItem “2003″
Combo4.AddItem “2002″
Combo4.AddItem “2001″
Combo4.AddItem “2000″
Combo4.AddItem “1999″
Combo4.AddItem “1998″
Combo4.AddItem “1997″
Combo4.AddItem “1996″
Combo4.AddItem “1995″
Combo4.AddItem “1994″
Combo4.AddItem “1993″
Combo4.AddItem “1992″
Combo4.AddItem “1991″
Combo4.AddItem “1989″
Combo4.AddItem “1988″
Combo4.AddItem “1987″
Combo4.AddItem “1986″
Combo4.AddItem “1985″
Combo4.AddItem “1984″
Combo4.AddItem “1983″
Combo4.AddItem “1982″
Combo4.AddItem “1981″
Combo4.AddItem “1980″
Combo5.AddItem “pelajar”
Combo5.AddItem “kawin”
Combo5.AddItem “tidak sekolah”
Combo5.AddItem “mahasiswa”
Combo5.AddItem “tidak kawin”
End Sub
ketiga membuat form hasil:
coding………..:Objek | Properti | Nilai |
form | name caption |
biodataku hasil biodata |
label 1 | caption | nama |
label 2 | caption | jenis kelamin |
label 3 | caption | tanggal lahir |
label 4 | caption | alamat |
label 5 | caption | status |
text 1 | name | text1 |
text 2 | name | text2 |
text 3 | name | text3 |
text 4 | name | text4 |
text 5 | name | text5 |
command 1 | caption | back |
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil……..!!!!
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